

The Skolasajf 2024 applications for children will be open between 20th March and 2nd May 2024. Applications are to be submitted online via the portal

Applications can also be submitted at any one of the hubs. The full list of hubs can be accesses at

The Skolasajf service is delivered from State Primary Schools and from the 5 Resource Centres, around Malta and Gozo. It runs from Monday to Friday, and will be operational between 10th July and 9th August 2024, and from 19th August till 6th September 2024. The service in mainstream schools is offered between 08:30 till 12:30 hours. An extended service for working parents will also be offered in selected centres, from 07:00 till 08:30 and 12:30 till 17:30 hours.

The programme of activities implemented in the Skolasajf centres is always centred around a main theme. The theme chosen for this year is ‘Life is My Adventure!’. This slogan encourages everyone to have a positive attitude towards life, as it offers great opportunities and should be lived as one great adventure. Every moment that we experience, whether positive or negative, is part of our journey. Each experience is a learning curve. Each failure is just the identification of something that did not work, and we continue looking for the solution to each circumstance. Families, friends, school, holidays, work…each hour that we spend within these environments is ours and we should make the most of it.

The work to make the Skolasajf service run smoothly starts in earnest from months before. In fact, February 2024 saw the opening of the Skolasajf Job Vacancies. Skolasajf workers are instrumental in the implementation of the Skolasajf Programme.

Skolasajf 2024 Logo
Skolasajf Logo for 2024

Apart from the Programme Manual that guides Skolasajf employees on the activities created to explore the main theme ‘Life is My Adventure!’, there is also a Sports and Games Programme, a series of outings, and a complimentary programme with external partners.

The main theme is complemented by the new Skolasajf logo, which was inspired by the winning design submitted by Scarlett Schembri in the Skolasajf Logo Competition. The competition rewarded the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed entries with prizes from Copyclub Live, Miller Distributors, and Heritage Malta.

Want to find out more?

Visit our Skolasajf Contact Details page!

Click Here

To access last year’s theme, you may visit

  1. The FES regards each child’s privacy as important and hence, FES will seek to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta. To this end, FES ensures that:
    • Personal data is processed fairly and according to Data Protection Act;
    • Data is processed with good practice;
    • The collected personal data has been collected for the specific, explicitly stated and legitimate purposes indicated;
    • The collected personal data will not be processed for any purpose that is incompatible with that for which the information has been collected;
    • The collected personal data will not be kept for a period longer than is necessary, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed.
  2. By submitting this form, the parent/guardian acknowledges that FES will have access to all the provided data and subsequently consent to such use;
  3. Service may be suspended if not all the necessary documents are submitted to the Centre Coordinator.
  4. Parents/guardians are bound to inform the Centre Coordinator of any change which should be made to their personal data, and this to ensure that the individual’s data is accurate, complete and up to date.
  5. The cooling off period is till 30th June 2024. NO REFUNDS WILL BE AFFECTED AFTER 30TH JUNE.
  6. As parent/guardian you also declare that all the data provided is correct and up-to-date. In the eventuality that it results that the provided data is incorrect and/or not up-to-date, you as parent/guardian, shall be bound to shoulder all responsibility for any ensuing circumstances due to the same incorrectness and/or inaccuracy;
  7. Extra hours service is charged per use to the quarter of an hour, this being any quarter of an hour, or part thereof. Extra hours are charged at the rate of  20c per quarter of an hour, or part thereof, hence if the child stays beyond the booked hours, parents will be charged accordingly.
  8. In the extra hours service, service may be suspended if there is any negative balance in the child’s profile account. Service may be suspended until parents settle the payment and ensure that they have a positive balance in the child’s account.
  9. Money paid for booked hours during the extended hours of the service (between 7:00 to 8:30 and 12:30 to 17:00) but which are not utilised, will not be deducted if; a) the centre coordinator is advised at least one day in advance in writing that the child will not attend. If the coordinator is not informed at least one day before in writing, the amount will be deducted according to the booked hours; b) If the child is sick a medical certificate has to be presented.
  10. The school nurse service is for administration of medication taken by the child on a daily/regular basis. If there are any changes to the condition and/or its treatment during the Skolasajf period, the parents/guardians are requested to inform FES Head Office as soon as this information is made available, by submitting updated Doctor’s documentation, via email to
  11. By submitting this application, you are giving your permission for the opportune first aid treatment to be administered to your child by qualified personnel. While understanding that you would be contacted by the centre’s personnel as soon as reasonably possible regarding any emergency involving your child, you are giving your permission for your child to be transported to hospital or any other emergency medical facility in the occurrence of a serious illness or injury, whereas ambulance or rescue squad members would be authorised to administer all necessary treatments. You are also giving your authorisation for warranted health practitioners to examine and provide the necessary emergency medical treatment to your child in your absence;
  12. Only individuals listed in the registration and on the authorized pick-up form as authorized to collect the child from Skolasajf will be permitted to do so. Any additional individuals or modifications must be communicated to the Centre Coordinator before the children are collected from the centre;
  13. In the case of children with a statement of needs, parents are requested to submit a copy of the Statementing Report, the Psychological Report, and the Individual Education Programme (IEP), to the Centre Coordinator. Failure to present such information may result in immediate termination of service without refund;
  14. The allocation of Child Support Workers (CSW) will be at the discretion of the FES.
  15. Parents of children who exhibit continuous extreme challenging behaviour may be contacted and requested to attend to the needs of their child. Failure to do so may result in termination of service without refund;
  16. Children need to be fully toilet trained in order to be accepted in the Skolasajf Service. Should it result that children are not fully toilet trained, FES reserves every right to stop the child’s attendance without any refund being due. If the need arises, parents will be contacted and they will be required to go to the centre to attend to the needs of their child. If a child cannot use the toilet due to disability/ medical condition, proof in writing needs to be presented;
  17. The FES retains the right not to open any of the above-mentioned centres if they do not reach the required quota;
  18. If for any reason any of the above-mentioned centres do not operate, transport is provided from the closed SkolaSajf school to the amalgamated chosen school and back. Transport is available for the core hours only, that is between 8:15 and 12:45. Transport is not provided for home pick-ups and drop-offs unless the child is using the service of SkolaSajf at a Resource Centre.
  19. Parents are only to apply for the service of SkolaSajf at a Resource Centre if the child attends in one of the Resource centres during the normal scholastic year.
  20. Skolasajf is provided on a first come first served basis. If any of the above-mentioned centres exceed the centre’s quota and/ or capacity, a waiting list will be introduced.
  21. Parents whose children attend the extended hours between 12:30 and 17:30 will be able to pick up their children between 12:30 and 13:00 at any time. After that, children will be dismissed at staggered times, every half an hour, between 13:00 and 17:00. Between 17:00 and 17:30 children can be picked up at any time. 
  22. Authorised persons, other than the parents of the students or their legal guardians, may pick up the students, subject to such authorised persons being indicated by the parents or legal custodians prior to the commencement of SkolaSajf. The maximum number of such authorised individuals for each student is that of four (4). FES will hand over to the parents cards, in accordance to the number of indicated authorised persons, bearing the child’s name and identification number. The parents and legal guardians shall be obliged to hand over these identification cards to the authorised persons only, and to no other third party. When picking up the student/s, the authorised persons shall show the card to FES employees in order for pick-up to take place. 
  23. In the absence of the presentation of pick up cards and adherence to such procedure by the parents and legal guardians, the child may only be picked up by either parent or by the legal guardian, who shall exhibit to FES employees their ID cards in order for proper identification in relation to the child to take place.
  1. Il-FES tqis il-privatezza ta’ kull tifel u tifla bħala waħda importanti u għalhekk, il-FES se tfittex li tikkonforma mad-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data, Kapitolu 586 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Għal dan il-għan, il-FES tiżgura li:
  • l-informazzjoni personali tat-tfal hija pproċessata b’mod ġust u skont l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data;
  • l-informazzjoni personali tat-tfal hija pproċessata bi prattika tajba;
  • l-informazzjoni personali ġiet miġbura għall-għanijiet speċifiċi, iddikjarati espliċitament u leġittimament;
  • l-informazzjoni personali miġbura ma tkunx ipproċessata għal ebda skop li jkun inkompatibbli ma’ dak li għalih tkun inġabret l-informazzjoni;
  • l-informazzjoni personali miġbura ma tinżammx għal perjodu itwal milli jkun meħtieġ, wara li jkunu kkunsidrati l-għanijiet li għalihom tkun ipproċessata.
  1. Billi tissottometti din il-formola, il-ġenitur/kustodju legali jirrikonoxxi li l-FES se jkollha aċċess għall-informazzjoni kollha pprovduta u sussegwentement tagħti l-kunsens tagħha għal dan l-użu;
  2. Is-servizz jista’ jiġi sospiż jekk id-dokumenti kollha meħtieġa ma jiġux sottomessi lill-Koordinatur taċ-Ċentru;
  3. Il-ġenituri/kustodji legali huma obbligati li jinfurmaw lill-Koordinatur taċ-Ċentru b’kull bidla li ssir fl-informazzjoni personali tagħhom, u dan biex jiġi żgurat li l-informazzjoni tkun waħda preċiża, kompluta u aġġornata;
  4. Ilcooling off period huwa sat-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2024. L-EBDA hlas lura ma jiġi affettwat wara t-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2024;
  5. Bħala ġenitur/kustodju legali qed tiddikjara wkoll li l-informazzjoni kollha pprovduta hija korretta u aġġornata. Fil-każ li tirriżulta li l-informazzjoni provduta mhix korretta u/jew mhux aġġornata, inti bħala ġenitur/kustodju legali għandek tkun marbuta li tassumi r-responsabbilta` kollha għal kwalunkwe ċirkostanza li tirriżulta minħabba l-istess inkorrettezza u/jew ineżattezza;
  6. Is-servizz tas-sigħat estiżi huwa ċċarġjat għal kull użu għal kwart ta’ siegħa, din tkun kwalunkwe kwart ta’ siegħa, jew parti minnha. Is-sigħat żejda huma ċċarġjati bir-rata ta’ 0.20c kull kwart ta’ siegħa, jew parti minnha, għalhekk jekk it-tifel/tifla jibqa’/tibqa’ lil hinn mis-sigħat ibbukkjati, il-ġenituri se jkunu qed jiġu ċċarġjati skont dan;
  7. Fis-servizz tas-sigħat estiżi, is-servizz jista’ jiġi sospiż jekk ikun hemm xi bilanċ negattiv fil-kont tal-profil tat-tifel/tifla. Is-servizz jista’ jiġi sospiż sakemm il-ġenituri jħallsu l-ħlas dovut u jiżguraw li jkollhom bilanċ pożittiv fil-kont tat-tifel/tifla;
  8. Flus imħallsa għal sigħat ta’ servizz ibbukkjati fil-ħin estiż (bejn 7:00 sa 8:30 u 12:30 sal-17:00) iżda li ma jintużawx, ma jigux imnaqqsa mil-profil tat-tifel/tifla jekk; a) Jekk il-koordinatur jiġi infurmat mill-inqas ġurnata bil-quddiem, bil-miktub (permezz ta’ email) li t-tifel/tifla mhux ser tattendi/jattendi. Jekk il-koordinatur ma jiġix infurmat mill-inqas ġurnata qabel, bil-miktub (permezz ta’ email), l-ammont jitnaqqas skont is-sigħat ibbukjati; b) Jekk it-tifel/tifla jkunu marid/a, għandu jiġi ppreżentat ċertifikat mediku;
  9. Is-servizz tal-infermiera tal-iskola huwa għall-għoti ta’ mediċina meħuda mit-tifel/tifla fuq bażi ta’ kuljum/regolari. Jekk ikun hemm xi tibdil fil-kundizzjoni u/jew it-trattament tagħha matul il-perjodu ta’ Skolasajf, il-ġenituri/kustodji legali huma mitluba jinfurmaw lil FES Head Office hekk kif l-informazzjoni ssir disponibbli, billi jiġu sottomessi d-dokumentazzjoni aġġornati tat-tabib permezz ta’ email fuq;
  10. Billi tibgħat din l-applikazzjoni, inti qed tagħti l-permess tiegħek għat-trattament opportun tal-ewwel għajnuna li għandu jingħata lit-tifel/tifla tiegħek minn persuna kkwalifikata. Filwaqt li tifhem li inti tkun ġejt ikkuntattjat/a mill-Koordinatur taċ-Ċentru malajr kemm jista’ jkun rigward kwalunkwe emerġenza li tinvolvi lit-tifel/tifla tiegħek, int qed tagħti l-permess tiegħek biex it-tifel/tifla tiegħek tiġi/jiġi ttrasportat/a l-isptar jew kwalunkwe facilita` medika oħra ta’ emerġenza fil-kaz ta’ mard serju, korriment, fejn membri tal-iskwadra tal-ambulanza jew tas-salvatagg ikunu awtorizzati jamministraw it-trattamenti kollha meħtieġ Inti qed tagħti wkoll l-awtorizzazzjoni tiegħek lil tobba li huma ġustifikati biex jeżaminaw u jipprovdu t-trattament mediku ta’ emerġenza meħtieg lit-tifel/tifla tiegħek fin-nuqqas tiegħek;
  11. Individwi biss elenkati fir-reġistrazzjoni u fuq il-formola tal-pickup awtorizzata huma awtorizzati li jiġbru lit-tifel/tifla minn Skolasajf. F’każ li tixtieq iżżid persuni jew tagħmel tibdil, għandhom jiġu kkomunikati lil Koordinatur taċ-Ċentru;
  12. Fil-każ ta’ tfal b’dikjarazzjoni ta’ bżonnijiet, il-ġenituri jistgħu jintalbu jissottomettu kopja ta’ Statementing report, Psychological report u Individual Education Programme (IEP) lil Koordinatur taċ-Ċentru. Nuqqas ta’ preżentazzjoni ta’ din l-informazzjoni jista’ jirriżulta fi tmiem immedjat tas-servizz mingħajr ebda ħlas lura;
  13. L-allokazzjoni ta’ Child Support Workers (CSW) tkun fid-diskrezzjoni tal-FES;
  14. Ġenituri ta’ tfal li juru mġieba kontinwa ta’ sfida estrema jistgħu jiġu kkuntattjati u mitluba jattendu għall-ħtiġijiet tat-tfal tagħhom. Nuqqas ta’ dan jista’ jirriżulta fi tmiem tas-servizz mingħajr ebda ħlas lura;
  15. It-tfal iridu jkunu kompletament qatgħu l-ħarqa sabiex jiġu aċċettati fi Skolasajf. Jekk jirriżulta li t-tfal ma jkunux kompletament qatgħu l-ħarqa, il-FES tirriserva kull dritt li twaqqaf l-attendenza tat-tifel/tifla. Jekk tinqala’ l-ħtiega, il-ġenituri jissejħu u jkunu meħtieġa jmorru fiċ-ċentru biex jattendu għall-bżonnijiet tat-tifel/tifla tagħhom. Jekk għal xi raġuni t-tifel/tifla ma jkunx/tkunx qatgħet il-ħarqa minħabba diżabilita`/kundizzjoni medika, trid tiġi ppreżentata prova bil-miktub;
  16. Jekk xi wieħed miċ-ċentri msemmija hawn fuq ma jilħaqx il-kwota meħtieġa, il-FES tirriserva d-dritt li ma tiftaħx iċ-ċentru;
  17. Jekk għal xi raġuni, xi wieħed miċ-ċentri msemmija hawn fuq ma jinfetaħx, se jkun qed jiġi pprovdut trasport mill-iskola l-magħluqa ta’ Skolasajf għall-iskola amalgamata magħżula, u lura. It-trasport huwa provdut għas-sigħat ewlenin biss, li huma bejn it-8:15 u 12:45. Mhux ipprovdut trasport mid-dar u lejn id-dar sakemm it-tifel/tifla ma jkunx reġistrat għal Skolasajf f’Ċentru tar-Riżorsi;
  18. Il-ġenituri għandhom japplikaw biss għas-servizz ta’ Skolasajf f’Ċentru tar-Riżorsi jekk it-tifel/tifla jattendi f’wieħed miċ-Ċentri tar-Riżorsi matul is-sena skolastika;
  19. Skolasajf hija pprovduta fuq bażi ta’ min applika l-ewwel, jieħu s-servizz l-ewwel. Jekk xi wieħed miċ-ċentri msemmija hawn fuq jaqbeż il-kwota u/jew il-limitu ta’ postijiet taċ-ċentru, se tiġi introdotta lista ta’ stennija;
  20. Ġenituri li t-tfal tagħhom jattendu l-ħinijiet estiżi bejn 12:30 u 17:30 ikunu jistgħu jiġbru lil tfal bejn 12:30 u 13:00 f’kull ħin. Wara dan il-ħin, it-tfal jistgħu jinġabru f’ħinijiet imqassma, kull nofs siegħa, bejn is-13:00 u l-17:00. Bejn il-17:00 u l-17:30, it-tfal jistgħu jinġabru fi kwalunkwe ħin.
  21. Persuni awtorizzati, u li m’humiex il-genituri jew il-kustodji legali tal-minuri, jistghu jigbru lill-minuri mill-iskola, dejjem jekk tali persuni awtorizzati jkunu gew indikati mill-genituri jew il-kustodji legali qabel il-bidu ta’ SkolaSajf. In-numru massimu ta’ persuni awtorizzati ghal kull student huwa dak ta’ erbgha (4). L-FES ser tghaddi lill-genituri karti ta’ identifikazzjoni, skont l-ammont ta’ persuni awtorizzati indikati, lill-genituri, fuq liema karti ser ikun hemm isem il-minuri flimkien man-numru tal-karta tal-identita`. Il-genituri u kustodji legali ser ikunu obbligati jghaddu dawn il-karti ta’ identifikazzjoni lil dawn il-persuni minnhom awtorizzati biss, u lill-ebda persuna ohra. Meta, u sabiex, jingabru l-minuri, il-persuni awtorizzati ser ikunu mitluba juru lill-impjegati tal-FES tali karti ta’ identifikazzjoni.
  22. Fin-nuqqas li din il-procedura tigi segwita kif suppost u fil-hin, ser jithallew jigbru lill-minuri biss il-genituri u l-kustodji legali, li ser ikunu obbligati juru lill-impjegati tal-FES il-karta tal-identita` taghhom, sabiex tkun tista’ ssir l-identifikazzjoni necessarja fir-rigward tal-minuri. 

         Skolasajf 2024 – FAQs

         Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Skolasajf?
    Skolasajf is an 8 week programme for children between 3 and 16 years of age, offered during the summer holidays. The service is not offered on public holidays and weekends.
  • When will Skolasajf 2024 starts?

              Skolasajf 2024 will commence on 10th July till 6th September:

    • Primary Students – from 10th July till 9th August, and 19th August till 6th September
    • Kinder Students – from 11th July till 9th August, and 19th August till 6th September
  • Is there a break during Santa Maria’s week?
    Skolasajf will be closed throughout Santa Maria week, that is between 12th to 16th August, 2024.
  • What are the Skolasajf hours of operation?
    The core hours are from 08:30hrs until 12:30hrs. These hours are available in all the centres around Malta and Gozo. FES also offers extended hours of service in selected centres, for working parents only, between 07:00hrs – 08:30hrs, and 12:30hrs – 17:30hrs.The centres are listed on the application form. 
  • How will I know that the applications are open?
    Time windows when the applications are active will be communicated to the public via the FES Facebook page. All Head of Schools within state primary schools are informed via email when the Skolasajf application opens. Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit the Foundation for Educational Services’ Facebook Page or website for regular updates. Information will also be available via the website.
  • How can I apply?
    Interested parents/guardians can either apply through the online portal, at the One Stop Shop in Floriana and in all the hubs. 
  • My child has an LSE during the scholastic year. Can I still apply?
    Skolasajf is an inclusive summer school. FES provides the service of a child support worker (CSW), who will assist to the child’s individual needs. The service of a child support worker is against the Statementing Report Number at application level and the presentation of the Statementing Report, the Individual Educational Programme (IEP) and the Psychological Report. Copies of such documents must be uploaded online. The allocation of Child Support Workers (CSW) will be at the discretion of FES. Every case will be taken into consideration individually. 
  • How do I inform you that my child needs a CSW?
    The Statementing Board Report Number needs to be written down on the application form. Failure to do so may result in the child not being allocated a CSW and/ or termination of service. All the necessary documents will need to be submitted on the application online and be available before the start of the service. 
  • When and how shall I submit the requested documents?
    All documents listed on the registration form must be submitted online in order to use the service. Failure to submit such documentation may result in the child not being accepted for Skolasajf.
  • When are parents’ meetings held?
    Every centre holds various parents’ meetings according to the centre’s capacity. Dates of meetings will be communicated by the centre coordinator via email/sms. Parents’ meetings are held either via an online platform such as Teams or in the school hall. Parents are encouraged to attend such meetings.
  • Do I have to provide any items for my child?
    FES provides the vast majority of resources needed to carry out the activities at the centres. However, we encourage children to bring their own pencil case and colours (ie the ones they use at school). At the beginning of Skolasajf, the centres also issue a list that includes (but not limited to) a kitchen roll, a packet of wipes, tissues, and a large bottle of water and recyclable items to reuse in the activities.
  • What is the dress code for Skolasajf?
    Children are to wear light casual clothes, and closed shoes such as a running shoes or sandals fastened with a heel strap, which do not have slippery soles and which do not slip out of a child`s feet, for safety purposes.  
  • What is the fee for SkolaSajf?
    The fee for SkolaSajf is €25 euros and it covers the core hours from 08:30hrs till 12:30hrs.
  • Is the fee refundable?
    Yes, there is a cooling off period till 30th June, 2024. No refunds will be affected after this date.
  • Are there any other fees?
    FES offers the service of extended hours to working parents in selected centres only. These extended hours are between 07:00hrs – 08:30hrs and 12:30hrs – 17:30hrs. The fee is of €0.20 for every 15 minutes. There may also be non–compulsory charges related to transport and entrance fees for outings, and other small activities within the centre, such as cooking activities and donations during fund raising activities.
  • Can I apply in two centres?
    Children cannot be registered in more than one centre. However, parents can ask for a transfer. It is at the discretion of FES whether such transfer can be affected or not. We recommend that children are enrolled in one centre since we believe that children benefit more if a good relationship with the staff and other children in their centre is established for the whole eight weeks of the Skolasajf programme.
  • Can my children/child attend/s Skolasajf in another locality from where I live?
    Yes, you can register your children/child for Skolasajf in another locality different from     where you live.
  • How are children grouped?
    Most of the time, children are grouped according to the date of birth. Children might be grouped up to a maximum of two (2) years gap per class especially in smaller centres.
  • What activities will my child/ren be doing?
    Children attending the Skolasajf programme engage in a structured programme of activities that range from arts and crafts, games and sports, amateur dramatics, storytelling and singing, and cookery. Such activities are based on the current Skolasajf theme. There are also several educational activities, organised in collaboration with a number of partners, which can take place within the centre or outside of the centre. Each activity is tailored according to the age group of the children.
  • What is the theme for Skolasajf 2024?
    The theme for Skolasajf 2024 is ‘Life is My Adventure’.
  • Can the remaining balance of payment made during Klabb 3-16 in winter be carried forward to Skolasajf?
    The remaining balance cannot be used to pay for the registration fee of Skolasajf. However, it can be used during the extra hours of service in the morning/afternoon. 
  • Does Skolasajf organise transport?
    The FES organises transport through MEYR for children attending Resource Centres and Mainstream Centres which do not reach the required quota:
    • Students attending Resource Centres starts at 8.00am till 3.00pm including transport.
    • In case of Mainstream Centres which do not reach the required quota, FES retains the right not to open the centre and amalgamate it to another nearby centre. Should the parents require the service, transport is organised from the closed centres to the nearby centre, as communicated by FES. Transport leaves the closed centre at 8:15am and students arrive back at the closed centre by 12:45pm. No other stops are available
  • When will I know which centres will not open for Skolasajf?
    The FES decides which centres will not open for Skolasajf based on the number of registrations received for each centre. Parents will be notified of such decision after the closing date of the registrations.
  • Will Skolasajf have staggered times for pick-ups?
    Staggered times for pick-ups have been introduced to reduce the number of distractions in the classrooms and will be in place during the afternoon extended hours. Children can be picked up at any time between 12:30 till 13:00. Following 13:00, children can be picked up at 30 minutes intervals till 17:00. Between 17:00 and 17:30 children can be picked up at any time.
  • Can I pickup my child at any time between 8.30 till 12.30?
    Ideally, children attend the full core booked hours. However, if there is a valid reason for such request, the parent should always inform the coordinator in advance.
  • What can I do if I need to pick-up my child before the official staggered times?
    Since we do understand that parents and children may have other commitments after work/SkolaSajf, we are giving a concession for children to wait for their parents’ downstairs. However, it is the parents` responsibility to inform the coordinator with such requests so that they can gather the concerned child from his/her classroom closer to the next staggered time group and the child will wait for his/her parents until their arrival. Therefore, if for example, your child is booked till 15:30 and you need to pick him/her up at 15:15, he/she will be called with the 15:00 group and wait 15 minutes until your arrival. This way, you will be able to take your child immediately as soon as you arrive for him/her. All children at the reception area will still be under supervision.

General Questions:
What is the duration of Skola Sajf?
Skolasajf for the children will start on the 10th of July till the 6th of September 2024. The contract for Skolasajf for staff begins from the 3rd of July since training will be signed for throughout that week. On the 11th of July, all staff are expected to attend at the school they will be working in from 8:30 am till 12:30 pm for further training and preparation. Staff are also given the opportunity to start working as early as from June, and also throughout the bridge holidays.

Skolasajf Centres:
In which centres will Skolasajf be offered?
We will be opening around 50 centres in total around Malta and Gozo and another 5 Resource Centre. More information regarding the locations will be given at a later stage.

Resource Centres:
Resource Centres will be opening five (5) times a week from 8:00 – 15:00 (including travelling time through transport supervision)

What happens if I am not available to work five (5) times a week in resource centres?
We suggest you apply just the same and send an email on with your available days. You will be offered the role of a reliever. Such role would entail working only in the afternoon, from 12:30 onwards and occasionally be rostered to work in the morning to replace staff that are on leave.

Vacancies with FES for Skolasajf Questions:
I never worked with FES. How will I know which job is right for me?
You can refer to these videos for an explanation of what the job is about:
Interview with a Regional Coordinator – Click Here
Interview with a Centre Coordinator – Click Here
Interview with a Playworker – Click Here
Interview with a Child Support Worker – Click Here
Interview with a Sports Playworker – Click Here 

Where can I get more detailed information regarding job descriptions and salary for every role?
For more information, visit our recruitment page on and click on the role you are interested in working in. 

Application and Recruitment Process Questions 

Where do I apply?
You can apply through our recruitment page on this link:

What documents do I need?
Each role requires different levels of qualifications and documents, however for every role you need the police conduct, reference letter or proof that you worked with FES in Skolasajf 2023.

What happens if by the end of the deadline I do not have the documents?
We encourage to apply just the same and send the missing documents once you have them to

How old do I have to be to apply?
Age depends on the role you are applying for. Generally, all employees need to be 17 years of age by the beginning of Skolasajf.

What about training?
All staff will be expected to attend training organised by IfE. Only staff that work in a school full-time full-time (educational role), have a formal qualification in Education or are studying for a formal qualification in Education can be exempted from the training.
More information about the training, such as payment, remuneration, duration and location will be given by IfE.

I cannot work from the beginning of Skolasajf? Can I still apply?
We suggest that you apply just the same and send an email to with your details and the dates that you cannot work. However kindly keep in mind that placements are first given to those who can work the full eight weeks.
Moreover, we will be issuing a late call for those applicants who will be interested to work the last 4 weeks of Skola Sajf.

I wish to apply for Skola Sajf, however I will be going abroad for two weeks in mid-Summer? Can I still apply from now?
We don’t suggest that you apply from now, once you return back from your trip, you may apply if the Skola Sajf calls are still open. 

How will I know that I have been chosen?
You will first receive an email with the result and ranking obtained in the interview. Following this you will receive a placement by email and once you accept the placement, you will be sent the contract.

What if I do not like the location where I am placed?
Should you decide that you want an alternative placement you need to send an email to reply to the email sent to you with a list of preferred localities. By doing so you would have lost the placement given to you. However kindly keep in mind that placements are done according to ranking and according to the needs of the centre.

Conditions of Work Questions 

How many hours of Vacation leave do I have?
Leave accumulates pro-rata according to the hours worked. However, if you work through all the core hours for the full eight weeks there will be an average of 16 hours of leave entitlement.

How many sick leave days I am entitled to?
Sick leave like Vacation leave is pro-rata and accumulates depending on the number of hours worked. 

What is the sick leave procedure?
If you are sick and cannot report to work, it is important to email or call the centre coordinator informing him/her of the matter as early as possible, so that the centre coordinator would be in time to do alternative arrangements. You are also to send an email to the HR Department on informing them of your sickness and of the address where you will be staying during your sickness. It is important to submit a blue medical certificate on your return to work to the centre coordinator / PER. The FES reserves the right to send the doctor to any sick employee. If the employee is not at home s/he has to provide proof that at the time the employee was at the doctor. If no proof is provided, the sick leave will not be paid.

Is it possible to resign from the contract during Skolasajf?
You are bound by a definite contract of eight weeks. Ideally you work all of it since if you resign, it will negatively affect the operations of the centre.  Should you still require resigning, kindly note that you need to provide one week notice, so to give enough time for a replacement to be found. 

Can I work only in the afternoon?
Some of our centres do offer service from 12:30 pm till 17:30 pm. In this case we suggest you apply through the normal call and email us on and we will discuss with you a way forward.