

The Foundation for Educational Services (FES) currently operates thirteen government-subsidised childcare centres across Malta. Childcare centres provide care to babies and toddlers aged between three months and three years. All FES-run childcare centres are registered with the Department of Quality Standards in Education and follow the National Standards for Child Day Care Facilities (2006). Operational hours are from 07:30 to 16:00 hours.

All children are offered with a personalised service of quality care. Working in partnership with primary caregivers, each child is empowered to develop a lifetime of learning in a fun, caring and stimulating environment. Parents are offered the opportunity to invest in their child’s future through positive learning opportunities, social experiences and personal empowerment.

FES Childcare centres aim to create an environment that:

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  • is immediately welcoming through warm, positive interactions between staff, children, parents and visitors;
  • fosters a genuine sense of caring, security and well-being;
  • encourages each child to develop to his or her fullest potential;
  • ensures the individual’s physical necessities of health, safety, nutrition and quality care which are protected through adherence to mandatory regulations and common sense;
  • identifies needs of parents and children and supports and strengthens the family unity through responsive communication and programmes.

In accordance with the National Standards for Child Day Care Facilities (2006), FES employs members of staff who form part of a highly competent, qualified and warm team trained to work with children. The centres encourage parent/staff communication and work to establish effective relationships in order to share information and responsibilities. Staff members are supported with on-going professional development to enhance their skills. Excellent staff-child ratios are maintained thus ensuring that each child is receiving the very best care, attention and comfort.

In accordance with the National Standards for Child Day Care Facilities (2006), FES employs members of staff who form part of a highly competent, qualified and warm team trained to work with children. The centres encourage parent/staff communication and work to establish effective relationships in order to share information and responsibilities. Staff members are supported with on-going professional development to enhance their skills. Excellent staff-child ratios are maintained thus ensuring that each child is receiving the very best care, attention and comfort.

  • Children aged between 3 months and 3 years are eligible to attend our child care centres. Once children turn 3 years, they become eligible to kindergarten. There are two kindergarten intakes in a year which occur during the first week of February and first week of October. Children who turn 3 years between 1st January and 30th April have to make the transition to Kindergarten in the February intake of that year. Children who turn 3 years between 1st May and 31st December are to move on to Kindergarten in the October intake of that year.
  • In case that we cannot contact you on the telephone numbers provided, please give details of one or two people who could be contacted. Attach a copy of the person’s ID card.
  • By submitting this application you are giving your permission for the opportune first aid treatment to your child to be administered by qualified staff members. While understanding that you would be contacted by a progamme personnel as soon as reasonably possible regarding any emergency involving your child, you are giving your permission for your child to be transported to hospital or any other emergency medical facility in the occurrence of a serious illness or injury, where ambulance or rescue squad members would be authorised to administer all necessary treatments. You are also giving your authorization for warranted health practitioners to examine and provide the necessary emergency medical treatment to your child in your absence.
  • Tfal ta’ età bejn it-tliet xhur it-tliet snin huma eliġibli li jattendu ċ-ċentri tagħna. Kif it-tfal jagħlqu t-tliet snin, dawn isiru eliġibbli għall-kindergarten. Darbtejn fis-sena isir id-dħul għallkindergarten-fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Frar u fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Ottubru. Tfal li jagħlqu t-tliet snin bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar u t-30 ta’ April għandhom jibdew jattendu l-kindergarten mad-dħul ta’ Frar tal-istess sena. Tfal li jagħlqu tliet snin bejn l-1 ta’ Mejju u l-31 ta’ Diċembru għandhom jibdew jattendu l-kindergarten mad-dħul ta’ Ottubru tal-istess sena.
  • F’każ li ma nkunux nistgħu nsibukom fuq in-numri tat-telefon provduti, jekk jogħġbok, agħti dettalji ta’ persuna/i li jista’/tista’ tiġi ikkuntattjata. Ehmeż kopja tal-karta tal-identità tal-persuna/i.
  • Jekk tissottometti l-applikazzjoni ser tkun qed tagħti permess li tingħata l-ewwel għajnuna lit-tifel/tifla tiegħek minn impjegati kwalifikati f’każ ta’ bżonn. Filwaqt li tifhem li ser tkun qed tiġi kkuntattjat/a fl-iqsar ħin possibli mill-impjegati tagħna f’każ ta’ emerġenza li jirrigwardja lit-tifel/tifla, inti qed tagħti l-permess li t-tifel/tifla j/tittieħed l-isptar jew faċilità oħra ta’ emerġenza f’każ li jkun hemm mard serju jew korriment, fejn l-ambulanza jew membri mill-iskwadra ta’ salvataġġ ikunu awtorizzati li jamminstraw ittrattamenti neċessarji. Qed tagħti wkoll permess li pratikkanti tas-saħħa b’warrant jeżaminaw u jagħtu t-trattamenti mediċi neċessarji waqt emerġenza, lit-tifel/tifla fl-assenza tiegħek.